Beautiful Blogger Award! :D

I would like to thank the wonderful Driftinglexi for nominating me for the Beautiful Blogger Award; It is the second award this wonderful lady has nominated me for! I love these kinds of awards because it get you to know you blog hosts and their blog more personably and also it lets you meet more new blogs all the time!


The Beautiful Blogger Award is for those blogs that are creative, original and add to the blogging community. Here are the rules:

  • Link to the creative, beautiful genius that bestowed it upon you.
  • List seven random things about yourself.
  • Send said award to seven (or how ever many you want) other creative, beautiful geniuses.
  • Tell those lucky people that you’ve done this and give ’em the rules.

The facts:

1. I’m a total math nerd. I finished all four years of my high school math by my sophomore year.

2. I am a Slytherin for life, and so is my husband.

3. I was able to meet N’Sync when I was in the fourth grade and got a kiss on the cheek from Justin Timberlake.

4. I name my cars. My first car was a yellow Mini Cooper named Bumblebee, and now I have a black Chevy Spark named Spock.

5. I got my first tattoo at 16, and now at 24 I have a total of 5, and just keep wanting more.

6. My favorite band is Papa Roach, but my favorite genre of music is Country.

7. For my high school graduation gift I went to Ireland and London.

The bloggers:

  1. Books, Baking, and Blogging
  2. Hit or Miss Books
  3. Jenaicde by Bibliophile
  4. Ms. Nose in a Book
  5. Secret Live of Fiction Lovers
  6. The Lit Bitch
  7. The Glass Slipper Catalyst

Have fun and enjoy!

13 thoughts on “Beautiful Blogger Award! :D

  1. Haha … No I wasn’t joking. Lol 🙂 Wait for it …. I have never actually read Harry Potter *hangs head in shame* !!! But in my defence I am 33 so it was a bit before my time! I was tagged for the Harry Potter book tag lastweek but had to decline to my lack of HP knowledge 😦

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Never hang your head in shame! It is never too late to read them. In all truth there is more adult themes in them than for kids. I’m trying to convince my Nana to read them, but she is very skeptical. I have read and reread them. I waited in line at Borders, when that was still a thing, till midnight to get the last book. I’ve seen every movie. Read every little thing about HP, and done all of the Pottermore adventures to gain more information. I live and breath HP every day of my life. It isn’t just a book series, it is a lifestyle for those who truly emerge themselves into it. Give it a chance, it is a really great family to be apart of.

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  3. williamcharlesbrock – I find it funny that your comment is so brash since I have read every HP book, but have never once read Watership Down. Everyone has their own love for reading and doesn’t read everything that exists. I am addicted to romance novels, but a lot of women hate them for being degrading. Everyone has their own taste in books, music, movies, everything. It is what is great about this world, someone can like one thing someone else hates.

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  4. Ha ha. I didn’t realize it was compulsory to read Harry Potter to be a book lover :p By the time HP was first published I was already addicted to crime and thrillers and not so interested in teenage / young adult reading 🙂 Not saying you have to be young to read Harry Potter but each to their own !!!

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  5. The above comment was directed at Williamcharlesbrock just in case there is any confusion.

    Jordan I completely agree with what you just said, I think we both said the same thing but in different ways. Regarding Harry Potter, I would never say never. I am open to reading even though I have my preferred genre’s. That would be so cool if you could convince your nan to read them.

    I watched the first Harry Potter movie as my cousin who lives in London was an extra and we were all really excited to see her 🙂 It was a great movie !!!

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  6. No confusion what so ever, and I totally agree with you as well. /everyone has their own likes. If you ever read the books they are quite wonderful, and if you loved the movie then you would love the book. The first three movies are the only ones true enough to the books that it is basically reading at watching the same thing. :]

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  7. Ah very good. I might keep an eye out for the first copy. There would be no harm having it in the house for if I do decide to read it plus my son is almost 6 . He might show an interest in it sooner than I think 😉

    Was good to chat. Enjoy the rest of your day xx

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