Beautiful Blogger Award #2! :D

It’s been a while since I have done an award, but I mean you can never learn too much about your fellow bloggers, right?! I would like to thank the every so lovely Alicia at Caffeine and Books for nominating me for this award. I have done this one previously, but thought, hey why not! :]



1. Link to the blogger who nominated you.

2. List seven random facts about you.

3. Nominate seven creative, beautiful bloggers, and notify them.

Facts about me!

I’m going to go with really weird random facts about myself!

  1. I am certified to train people how to drive a pallet jack.
  2. When I was 12 I broke my foot dancing to Brittany Spears “Oops I Did It Again.”
  3. I know too much Disney trivia.
  4. I sometimes have a photographic memory and sometimes I can’t remember anything that happened the day before.
  5. I went to 3 different colleges before I got my B.A. In English: creative Writing.
  6. I have an abnormal obsession with Marilyn Monroe.
  7. My favorite food to eat is my favorite sandwich. It is white bread, ketchup, cheese, and pepperoni. Iv’e eaten it since I was in elementary school, it’s amazing!

My Nominees!

  1. Miss Bates Reads Romance
  2. Live. Laugh. Read.
  3. Young Adult Book Madness
  4. Book Muffin
  5. Cozybookmark
  6. Strawberry Lemonade Books
  7. Reinreads

Thanks for sticking around till the end of this post! Check out these awesome blogs as well as my other tags to find out more blogs that I absolutely love!

Have a great day! :]

14 thoughts on “Beautiful Blogger Award #2! :D

  1. Pingback: Beautiful Blogger Award | reinreads

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